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Three model creators sent really nice and interesting models of firefighting equipment to the model authors' competition.

We launched the public vote on 16.5.2023. A total of 172 people voted for individual models.

In the audience competition, the author Jean-Luc Colin took first place with the Ziegler Z6 model with a total of 80 votes.

Second place went to modeler Heiner von Waechter with the Unimog S TLF 8/8 with a total of 63 votes.

Model maker Ľubomír Blichár took third place with the Mercedes Benz Actros CAS 40 model with a total of 29 votes.


The expert jury consisted of three judges and evaluated the following criteria for individual models, while the judge could award a maximum of 10 points for each criterion. The evaluation was based on the experience of evaluating the previous editions of the authors' competition, which took place mostly at Minimodel team meetings.

1. Reality versus the original

2. Color design, detail of elements

3. Box chassis

4. Model chassis

5. Instructions

6. Difficulty of the model

7. Quality of drawing

8. Numbering of parts

9. Supplements

10. Cartoon instructions and the meaning of attaching parts.


In total, the author could receive a maximum of 100 points per model from one judge, i.e. 300 in total.

The judges of the competition were František Běhounek, a long-time beta tester and former model author, Peter Formela, a long-time paper modeler and beta tester of models, František Kováčik, a long-time model author.


The Ziegler Z6 model by Jean-Luc Colin received the following number of points from the individual judges - 59, 56, 77, for a total of 192 points and placed 3rd.

The Unimog S TLF 8/8 model by Heiner von Waechter received the following number of points from the individual judges - 69, 71, 74, so it received a total of 214 points and took 2nd place.

The Mercedes Benz Actros model by Ľubomír Blichár received the following number of points from the individual judges - 79, 82, 82, so it received a total of 243 points and took first place.


We have to admit that the judges evaluated the models strictly, but fairly and without bias.

We congratulate all the winners and send them a book by Milan Dermek about Fire Engines, diplomas from the audience and professional competitions, a key chain and a souvenir from Mininimodel.

We look forward to the participation of the authors in the next year of the competition.