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Hi friends.

Exactly on February 18, 2018, we launched our new common website Minimodel first on the "SK" domain and two years later on the "CZ" domain. Five years is already a time that calls for some statistics and balance.

To date, we have managed to upload more than 2800 models from 16 model authors.

Over the years, the number of visits on the website:

In 2018 it was 39,800 website visits

In 2019 it was 58 090 visits of the website

In 2020 it was 94 959 visits of the website

In 2021 it was 181 270 visits of the website

In 2022 it was 206 411 visits, only in December it was more than 30,000 visits.

They are decent numbers that together encourage us to move forward.

We have prepared 5 Advent calendars for you in 5 years. The first was focused on firefighting equipment from Bohemia and Slovakia, the second was focused on the "International" brand from off -road vehicle, through generator, tractor or trucks to construction equipment and service center with service, the third Advent calendar was focused on expedition vehicles from off -road vehicles , through trucks to special vehicles, the calendar tried to mediate the various expeditions that took place worldwide, the fourth Advent calendar focused on the world's toughest rally - Dakar. Meanwhile, the last fifth was focused on European trucks from about the end of the sixties to absolute news and also had a place of 24 models equal to 25. So you could download up to 121 models in the Advent calendar in five years.

In 2020 we managed to organize the online competition for the best model for the best glued model, 15 modelers entered the competition.

In 2021 we announced a competition for the authors of the models, it was 12 anniversary.

In 2021, we could also include the installation of long -term exposure more than hundreds of models in the Tatra truck museum in Kopřivnice in the Czech Republic. The models are thematically placed in five showcases that approach the production of Tatra trucks from the beginning to the present.

In 2022, we managed to build on the tradition of embroidery textile with the Minodel logo for modelers and authors of the models, we would like to continue this tradition, we also managed to enter the production badges Minimodel.

In 2022 we managed to organize another competition for the best glued minodel and announce a competition for the authors of the models.

In 2022 we released 22, 23 and 24 limited model and for Christmas we have prepared another five bonus models.

And what awaits us in 2023?

Well, there is enough what we would like to do, first of all to continue publishing the models of new as well as those from the original site, we would like to add at least two authors. We are preparing another Advent calendar as well as bonus and limited models.

We are also thinking about meeting the Minodel Team, or by meeting the minodel modelers and authors of the models.

We are also working on a project of about 70 models that should map a certain history of one important car manufacturer for us, but these models will not be available freely on the website. Gradually, we will introduce the whole project, but before we have a lot of work on models, graphics and a few business meetings.

Again, we would like to announce the competition for the best minodel as well as the end of the year competition for the authors of the models.

We wish you to keep us favor and wish you a lot of nice glued minimodels.